The project was managed and delivered by Sarah Stewart, Education Officer and Kerry Patterson, Archive Curator. It was funded by the William Grant Foundation.
Margaret McCormack at Platform and Scott McAlinden from GalGael who co-ordinated staff and volunteers from each organisation
Print Panel participants from Platform, Galgael and Glasgow Print Studio
Glasgow Print Studio staff in the workshop, gallery, framing department and office who supported the project
All project interviewees who gave up their time to be interviewed
Project Interns Marisol Erdman, Helen Emily Davy and Lucy Walkingshaw for help with transcriptions and other project tasks
Bobbie Winter-Burke from Glasgow School of Art Library and Sara Thomas of Wikimedia UK for support with the Wikipedia edit-athon
Glasgow Museums staff for project advice
Dave at Black & Red Mastering for sound editing advice
Text authorship and sound editing by Kerry Patterson
Layout by Kerry Patterson and Sarah Stewart
Website design by Murray Robertson
IT Support by Michael McCoy
All text, images and audio clips are © Glasgow Print Studio, unless specified otherwise. Please do not re-use any material from this site without first contacting Glasgow Print Studio