Jacki Parry
Setting aims, choosing a name and taking advice

Clip Title | Setting aims, choosing a name and taking advice |
Interviewee Name | Jacki Parry |
Interviewee Role | Founding Member of Glasgow Print Studio in 1972 and user of the Workshop since the premises first opened. |
Interviewer Name | Kerry Patterson |
Interview Date | 7 November 2012 |
Clip Length | 3 minutes 13 seconds |
JP: We just decided on the aims and objectives, most of which probably are very similar to what you have at the moment. These were based on the things that we drew up but we kind of used Edinburgh as well as a model, and we, I suppose, based quite a lot on what we were thinking about on theirs. We were also deciding what to call it. You know, if it was going to be called ‘A Workshop’. We eventually called it The Glasgow Print Studio, because Edinburgh was the Edinburgh Printmaker’s Workshop I suppose. And that was the other, main one, so we wanted to differentiate from them. Yes, it was about the furtherance of excellence in printmaking. It was about education of the general public and widening awareness. So, there were evening classes and there were also quite a lot of school groups sometimes used to come in. And we were hoping to have a publishing programme. We always did a little bit of that, but you know that was quite slow to take off as I recall. We were also aiming of course to get premises, so we were seeking and viewing and trying to find a place to set up. Then once we had that we also needed to raise money, even before then. And to get an indication of support and likely funders. We then had to get work done in the building, like plumbing, getting it properly wired, laying concrete, we had to seek members. We had to set fees, to form a company, to do research and look at potential grant funding bodies. And then we had to apply for grants. We also had to think about getting equipment including ancillary equipment… all of these sorts of things. And I suppose we were liaising with Edinburgh Printmakers Workshop and the Scottish Arts Council. As I recall Bill Buchanan was the visual arts officer at the time at the Arts Council and he was very helpful. I also seem to remember we consulted at some stage with Harry Jefferson Barnes who was the Principal of the Art School. And also, with Lennox Paterson who was a wood engraver of considerable note who was the Deputy Director of the Art School at the time. So, we called on them for support. (Lennox Paterson was Toby Paterson’s grandfather). [This is not a verbatim transcript of the interview but it was requested and approved by the interviewee]